Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Why blog? Why now?

Recently, I organized a fun event involving some of my very close mates and companions. This was the first time that I had taken such an initiative and hence was very excited, nervous and wanted to give it my best to make it a very successful one. Until this event, I was more of a follower than a leader/organizer. I was like, “I don't have enough time for all this...” or “Hats off to the event organizer but no way in the world I would able to manage that…” etc.

After I finished organizing the event just couple of days ago, whether successfully or not is not relevant here and not for me to decide anyways, there was this tremendous after-effect which hit me like a…like a…hmmmmm…lightning. I was going through so many different range of emotions that it was not funny. I was depressed, elated, relaxed, and thrilled, all at the same time. I had so many thoughts going through my mind and I was like WOW!!! That was really ‘some’ experience.

Anyways, after the event I wanted to write e’body an email on what I was went through during selecting songs for the event and etc. But, who would want to get spam'd about my राम कहानी? Why force people to read it if they are not interested and if they already had enough? Why fill up their mailbox when there are already plenty of emails flying around about the event and what not. But at the same time, I wanted to preserve my thoughts for so different many reasons but mainly,
1) Sometime in future, I would love to look and read back on some of the most memorable moments of my life and this event is one of them.
2) I would like to point the participants of the event, my family and other mates who missed out because of the physical distant, to my thought and leave it to them if they want to read/leave it or share their experience or thoughts on the vent and life in general.

And this is where, like a flash, a thought came to me…why not blog? Why not put your thought when they come to you and preserve them digitally for your future reference or for you mates and family to read if and when they want to. So, here I step into the world unknown to me even though I am confident in using the tools behind this technology. I don’t know how long this ‘blogging’ will continue for or if it will ever go beyond one or two posts but I don’t care. Right now, I just want to hit the keys on my keyboard and want to see and let others see through my eyes/heart/mind what I am going through before this euphoria dies.

PS: Apologies to my English teacher as he would have died thousand deaths if he was alive to see this post and would have had harsh opinion of his own, but I am ‘sticking to my guns’;-)

Next to come…. ‘Antakshari’, in three part series, where I am going to pour in here my thoughts and emotions I went through while organizing a first ever event in my life.

1 comment:

Ace of Space said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere :-)

Writing is a soothing hobby, and it is amazing how much you learn about yourself when you express yourself.