Thursday, October 16, 2008

Do dreams ever come true?

Lazy Saturday morning, I’m lying on my bed and I’m thinking, “Don’t have to rush and take my kiddo to Ice Skating classes, no parties to attend except in the evening. Wow! It’s gonna be a relaxing day today. And then, out of nowhere, comes a life changing call – tring tring.

[ ]- This is when I am thinking to myself.

Me: Hello

So and So: Hello Praveen, this is ‘so and so’, how are you?

{Snipping all the obligatory ‘small talks’}

And then, out of the blue, came the question.

S’n’S: I was wondering if you are interested in acting in a movie?
[What? Me? Why me? Is it some kinda joke? 1000 questions running through my mind but trying to be calm]
Me: hmm…sure, what is it?

S’n’S: It’s a small role in a movie for which they need Indian origin actor.

[ What, a movie? You mean “A Real Movie”? You must be kidding]

Me: What, movie? You know, I haven’t done any acting in my life before, right? But I’m interested for sure and I can give it a try…and I will for sure give it my 110%.

S’n’S: I know. But I got this email asking me about any Indian actors I personally know and I was not sure who to contact and first person I could think of was you.
[But…But…Why me? I never told you I’m aspiring to be an actor. Yes, sure we had some discussion around similar topic, but…calm down Praveen, take a deep breath]
Me: No worries. I really appreciate it. So what is this role and movie is all about?

S’n’S: I don’t have much details right now….only thing I know is it’s a Indonesian English movie being shot in Adelaide and for a small role they want an actor whose looks are Indian. The actor would have to wear a turban and act as a convenient store owner and stuff. It’s a small role.
[What the heck...c’mon, give it a try...worst come to worst, you will fail terribly in audition, will be laughed at and cruelly rejected. But, who gives it a damn. None of my friends or family (apart from my better half) will ever know about my humiliation.]
ME: hmm…ok. I am game. I don’t mind wearing turban…Actually, I don’t mind any role as long as it doesn’t involve removing clothes.

{Laughs on both sides}

S’n’S: So, if you are ok, can I give them your number and they can get in touch with you?
[Suspicious of passing on my mobile no. to complete strangers]
ME: Sure, give them my home number.

S’n’S: [hesitantly] Can I give them your mobile number instead?
ME: [reluctantly but not showing it] yeah sure here it is….blah blah

S’n’S: Thanks. I will pass it on to them and they might contact you ASAP.
ME: No worries. Thanks again for considering me [a worthless non-actor].

S’n’S: No problem. I was not sure who to contact and your name popped up in my head first…thanks for agreeing.
ME: Hey, No worries. Let’s see how it goes. [Not believing if this will ever go any further anyways]

{Exchanging some more obligatory pleasantries}

S’n’S: Bye
Me: Ba Bye

Me, Myslef to I: [What really just happened? Was I dreaming? Somebody pinch me.]

Me Wife: Praveeeeeen, can you pls get up now…we got to vacuum clean our house today.

…and the reality hits.

If it comes to fruition or not...I'm sticking to my dreams.


Anonymous said...

So there is subconscious ambition to become a Bachan and scoop Jo off her feat aiyeee.......u never told us..(I know wat u r thinking, I never knew myself...right)...LOL

It wud be better if u cud elaborate on the role in go back to dreaming now ;-)

Uday Mishra said...

great send me download link when movie in on youtube;) lol...

anyway this is first step to bollywood !!

RCIngenious said...

which movie u did ?????????o hero..send me youtube one link..i still dont believe this..r u sure??:D